+41 79 eight hundred and thirty 88 08

Internal investigation support

Depending on the core topics, languages, complexity and strategy, we team up with experienced experts of our international network. In most cases, a small team is sufficient. This way we avoid unnecessary coordination efforts, idle time and save costs.

We help you and your team to assess cases, choose an appropriate strategy and tactics, and investigate incidents legally and efficiently.

If you would like an experienced investigator to coach your team (e.g. Legal, Compliance, Internal Audit or Human Resources) so that everything runs smoothly, then give us a call. We will find the right experts for you.

Compliance Helpdesk 

Many SMEs do not have the time and resources to manage internal conflicts or cases adequately and professionally. That is why we have created the Compliance Helpdesk Portal

The portal combines a professional whistleblowing hotline, a compliance helpdesk service (questions about internal policies or compliance coach for employees), and a case management support. All in one service. Altough we are inb-charge, you and your management ultimately decide (with our advisory support) how to deal with conflicts and resolve cases.

Your employees can report misconduct at work or criminal activities anonymously or openly, They can ask how they should proceed in a particular conflict situation or where they can get professional help when in doubt. 

Try the Compliance Helpdesk and you have more time for operational business.

Pre-Employment Screening

You want to fill an important function or position and make sure that there are no skeletons lurking in the closet that could later lead to unpleasant and expensive surprises?

We screen candidates for you by not only requesting extracts from criminal and debt enforcement records or diplomas, but also by taking a closer look at the applicants' details, their dossiers and all publicly available information about the person. However, discrepancies and irregularities as well as conflicts of interest can only be detected if the documents and information received are compared and the sources checked. However, very few providers do this because it is far too expensive.

We are different because we are used to searching quickly and purposefully, have our own tools, and because we can draw on the experience of many investigations. 

Conflict Management / Mobbing & Harassment

Since #MeToo, we have been increasingly asked to investigate 'HR cases' such as bullying, discrimination or (sexual) harassment in the workplace. This is extremely demanding work that requires a great deal of empathy. However, the cases, which are often based on "testimony against testimony", require that both sides - victim and accused - are given a fair chance. Healthy skepticism and as much knowledge of human nature as possible is a prerequisite of our work. When we meet people from cultures that are foreign to us, we look for qualified experts from the network to strengthen our team.